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Student Resources

Laptop and Software Recommendations

The Laptop and Software Recommendations can now be found here:

Overload Request Form

It is the school policy that the Office of the Dean may give permission to carry more than 18 credits, or more than 4.5 units, only to students with a 3.3 GPA or greater with at least Sophomore-level status (more than 7.75 earned course units). No permission will be granted for more than 5.0 units in a given semester. In general, we will grant permission for more than 4.5 units only once in a students’ undergraduate career.

Overload Request Form

Change of Major

Students wanting to change their major must complete the Change of Major form. The Application for Change of Major must be approved by the Area Coordinator of the discipline being pursued, who initials the application form, and the Department Chair. The application is then submitted through the Art Office.

Add/Drop Major Form

Change of Minor

Minors consist of five full courses units (or four full course units plus an approved experience). Only one course taken as a part of the student’s major may also be counted toward the student’s minor.

To apply for a minor, students complete an Add/Drop Major/Minor Form, receive written approval from the Art Department Program Coordinator (discipline of the minor), and subsequent approval of the Art Department Chair.

One-half of the courses required for the minor must be completed at TCNJ. Minors will be recorded along with majors on the student’s transcript.

Add/Drop Minor Form

Independent Study

Independent study should be used for individual pursuit of topics within or beyond a student’s
major field of study, which transcend the regularly available curriculum. It will normally
involve research, primary source reading, and/or fieldwork. Note: Independent Study may not
be taken as a substitution for any existing course.

Matriculated students who have completed at least 14 units (56 credits) are eligible for
independent study. At least 3.75 units (15 credits) must have been completed at The College of
New Jersey. A minimum grade point average of 2.5 is required, subject to waiver by the
department chair. A student may enroll in no more than 1.5 units (6 credits) of independent
study in a given semester. A department may limit the number of independent study units
which a student is permitted to complete within that department’s programs.

Independent Study Guidelines

Independent Study Enrollment Form

More info about Independent Study

An independent study application consists of two parts. The first is an enrollment form,
including an evaluation rubric, which must be signed by the student, faculty sponsor and
department chair. The second is an independent study summary proposal prepared by the
student in conjunction with the faculty sponsor. The proposal must follow the guidelines of the
College and include the following information:

  1. A detailed description of the project (articulating the need for the study and the reason
    why the student is requesting an independent study)
  2. The amount of time devoted to each major aspect of the project
  3. A description of prior course work or other experience which prepares the student for
    the proposed activity
  4. The frequency and duration of meetings with the faculty sponsor
  5. Dates for completion of project milestones where applicable

The proposal must clearly articulate the need for the independent study. It must explain how
the activity differs from courses offered throughout the academic year (i.e., why the student is
not taking a course offered through the Department). It should also include information about
previous independent study courses in which the student has completed. The methods by which
the student’s work will be evaluated must be clearly stated in the proposal. Some appropriate
forms of evaluation include papers, performances, and/or presentations. All AAV 391

Independent Study in Visual Arts proposals should include a public display or exhibition of
artwork completed as a culminating activity. To determine the number of credits, the guideline
of a minimum of 12 hours of effort per week per one course unit shall apply.
The completed application must be submitted to the Department of Art and Art History for
review. The Department may approve, request revisions, or reject the proposal. If the proposal is approved, it is forwarded to the Assistant Dean for approval and, if approved, to The Office of Records and Registration at the time the student registers for the course.


The primary purpose of the college-level internship is the development of occupational or
professional competence in the actual occupational setting after theory education has been
completed. Other purposes (income, career exploration, learning-by-doing, on-the-job training,
etc.) cannot be the primary purpose, though they may occur as a secondary result of the
internship experience. A minimum of 50 on-the-job hours should be required per quarter
course unit of credit (0.25 units). A substantial written assignment or portfolio requiring
research and/or creative work should be required. A simple log describing activities may be
included but in and of itself is not sufficient to satisfy this requirement.

Internship Proposal Guidelines

Internship Enrollment Form

Past Student Internships

Viacom: Nickelodeon, Spike, MTV, New York, NY
Marvel ComicsNew York, NY
Textile MuseumWashington, DC
Philadelphia Museum of ArtPhiladelphia, PA
Matthew Barney StudioNew York, NY
Grounds for SculptureHamilton, NJ


More info about Internships

An internship contract consists of two parts. The first is an enrollment form, which must be
signed by the student, supervising faculty and department chair. The second is a proposal
prepared by the student. The written proposal must follow the guidelines of the College and
include the following information:

  1. The number of credit hours from any previous internship, as well as the semester taken and the firm or agency where the internship was done
  2. How credits are to be earned and what on-the-job activities will be required of the intern
  3. The method of evaluating the internship to be used by the faculty supervisor
  4. The firm or agency where the internship will be done
  5. The professional person at the firm or agency who will supervise the student during the
  6. Information about on-site visits by a supervising faculty member whenever feasible

The completed internship contract must be submitted to the Department of Art and Art History
for review (by November 15 for Spring and May 1 for Fall and Summer). If a student receives
an Internship offer after the Department’s contract deadline, the student must complete and
submit the contract as soon as possible to the supervising faculty (for a signature) and then to
the department chair.

Students interested in an internship must understand the following guidelines and

1. Enrollment is limited to upper division program majors or minors with at least a 2.5
GPA in that program.

2. The internship is an applied experience. Students must be working under guidance of
professionals within the discipline of study.

3. Internships may be offered on either a graded or pass-fail basis.

4. Student taking a second internship is expected to obtain different knowledge and
experience from the first internship.

5. A maximum of 3 internship units can be counted toward a degree, and a maximum of 2
course units is allowed for any single internship within a semester.

Further information on credits, GPA, and requirements for the Internship and The Internship
Contract are available in the Student Handbook. Check the student HOTLINE for


The Department Hotline lists exhibition opportunities, internships and jobs.

Art Student Organizations

Kappa Pi:


Exhibition Opportunities

The College Art Gallery is located on the first floor of the new Art & IMM Building on the beautiful campus of The College of New Jersey. The Gallery presents six exhibitions annually including three curated exhibitions featuring nationally and internationally recognized artists, plus two student exhibitions and a faculty exhibition highlighting the extraordinary talent of the campus community. All gallery exhibitions and artist talks are free and open to the public. Student exhibition spaces AIMM 111 & 119 are located in the winged sections of the first floor. These spaces showcase student’s works and you may apply for solo or group exhibitions. There is also an annual juried Spring TCNJ Student Exhibition in which you are encouraged to apply. Deadlines and opportunities are announced via email and on the HOTLINE.

Student Research

MUSE is an undergraduate research program where students spend eight weeks in residence at The College of New Jersey during the summer, conducting research or engaging in creative activity in mentored collaboration with TCNJ faculty. Connect with your class faculty to inquire into MUSE opportunities.

Mental Health Services

The mission of Mental Health Services is to support the academic goals of the College through assisting students with personal challenges that interfere with their academic progress.

Accessibility Resources

The Accessibility Resource Center is in place to further extend the mission of The College of New Jersey and the mission of The Division of Student Affairs to persons with differing abilities.

